Ketamine: 10 Days Later…

It has been 10 days since my 3rd and final “stabilizing” IV ketamine session for multiple chronic pain issues, and to be honest, I’m spiraling within a clustercluck of emotions and physical changes.

I’ve battled every thought and emotion from, “My pain level hasn’t been this low in over 10 years!” to times where I mentally fall to my knees and thank all that’s good and holy for the gift of less pain, only to be whacked on the head by dark, gloomy thoughts like, “Why am I still so fatigued…?” and, “Shouldn’t I be happier and more productive now?”–and just for good measure, my personal favorite, “Does this spasm/random pain mean the ketamine is wearing off already?”

I could ask one of my doctors… but that’d only open a whole new bag of dicktips, i.e., the suggestion of another round or two of the liquid debt-elixir –which I can’t afford–or worse, a doctor flat-out saying, “This is the best you’ll ever feel, so suck it up, bitch” or something medically translatable.

But I AM a bitch right now! A bitch who paid more money than her family could afford to feel better, only to reach and wait at the cusp of ecstasy’s pearly gates, the ticket to BlahsVille clutched in my hand, my only companion.

Boo hoo for me, right? Now you see my dilemma: I’m beyond grateful for less pain, but the blah-monster is kicking my arse.

And even though the general achiness and burning sensations associated with Fibro, CRPS, Arachnoiditis, etc., are still are part of me, as are fibro fog and fatigue, they are tolerable now.

In conclusion:

Even though complaining makes me feel like a rancid a-hole, complain I must, because if you’re reading this, you’re at the very least learning about ketamine therapy and, presumably, weighing pros and cons. You deserve frank answers. So, in the vein of full disclosure, I, Asshole, must confess the following: on top of the fibro fog and fatigue, I still have bladder weakness–mostly with coughing or sneezing–paresthesia in my right leg/foot, a weak right ankle, and some sporadic leg cramps, mostly at night.

My anxiety is still pretty high, and though I’m not completely in the dumps, I do have a major case of the blahs.

Problems the “me” I was a month ago would’ve snubbed her highfaluting spoonie nose at, are what consume me now–often to the point of clouding my present with a disorienting funk harder to live with than a frizzy home perm.


If you’re wondering if I’d do it again, yes. Yes, Yes, and Yes!

The ketamine polished the turd that is my body only so much; the rest, I fear, is up to me.


    1. I’m getting my first booster treatment Monday, & I reaaaally hope it works. My right outer leg is almost completely numb now (with BAD cramps, because I need yet another surgery, but with the arachnoiditis… No one wil 😕l touch me. All I can do is control the pain.


      1. I hate the numbness, drives me nuts…. and the swelling…. I am afraid that I am going to have to get some replacement parts which scares me with the AC. I will find out in another week… the hereditary Osteoarthritis is making me unstable. 🤪

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      2. The numbness really bothered me the beginning, too– now it scares me because I’m worried about becoming paralyzed from the arachnoiditis.
        How long have you been chronically ill?

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      3. I either got it during one of my 3 back surgeries, one of my million spinal injections, or lumbar punctures… No one will take credit for it. LOL.
        Do you have the blinding shocks?


      4. I had 2 neck surgeries, one back, and 23 injections, the last injection does not have an x-ray attached to it, was the last time I saw my Neurologist before he left the state to go teach. The AC is sitting between the base of my skull and the top of my neck.

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      5. Hey, I keep thinking about this but can never remember to ask…. lol. What is the blinding shock? I have what I call “electric shocks”. Severe shocking pain that only lasts for a minute or two, then is gone. Can be anywhere, I just had one in my left shin. I usually get them in my forehead or temple, but have had them in my wrist and legs also.

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      6. Hey. I get severe shocks in my lower to mid back that can last anywhere from a couple minutes, to 20 minutes with no let up. They are so bad I literally see black spots that come & go. And they are as hard to breathe through as a labor contraction.
        I also get brief shocking sensations in my legs, toes, etc., but they’re quite different . The doctor said the “blinding” shocks are because of the location of my arachnoiditis.

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      7. Damn, I am so sorry. I get those kind with my head and neck so they are probably related to the AC. I am having a really bad day today for some reason. No shocks but I can hardly walk. Feel like I have a hangover and just downed a couple of beers to get my buzz back. I have hyper reflexes so when I get like this I can’t write anything, cannot hold still and start eating like crazy, like my body thinks I am starving. Hard to hold my phone. Real shaky. I hate this….

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      8. I used to have days where it was really hard to walk when I was on it, though my reactions to meds are rarely typical. Some sedatives make me hyper, etc.
        Sadly, calling your doc about it would probably get you a “just up your dose” reply.


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